Playing Ketchup!!
I have gotten caught up in the whirlwind of life, and haven’t posted in nearly two months!! Please accept my apologies!! Because I have gotten so far behind, I have a LOT of photos to share this time. I have decided to group them into categories, which might be the norm from now on. The categories may include individual species, or groups, or even events, like a specific trip to a certain location. Please let me know if you like it, or if you have other suggestions.
Again, I would like to introduce you to my new friend, Madelyn. She is the Animal Keeper at Dauset Trails, a local non-profit Nature and Animal Rehab Center, mainly featuring wildlife found here in Georgia. Starting with the next post, Madelyn will be showcasing one of the animals she cares for, as well as adding wildlife photos of her own. She loves animals as much as I do, which means the world to me!! We really look forward to your segments, Madelyn!!
I also want to welcome all the new subscribers!! I am honored and humbled that you have shown an interest in my showcasing God’s beauty and splendor through my lens(es)!! I hope you will continue to view each post, and share them with your family and friends across social media!!
So … Without further adieu …
All of the baby Ospreys have grown and flown the coup. The adults aren’t hanging around the nests anymore, and are a little harder to find. I did manage to get a few shots here and there, including seeing “Daisy” catch a very large catfish. The actual moment of the catch was obscured by plant growth. I’ll position myself better next time!!
Hawks - Lots of Hawks!!
Hawk “Season” doesn’t usually happen until the weather cools, and the leaves fall from the trees. However, I have been seeing lots of them almost everywhere. Some are my “regulars”, whose perches and hangouts I already know, while others are “strangers”. Regardless, I love them all. They are SO beautiful!!
Meanwhile, it has been especially exciting to find “Priscilla” and her new perch, after the pecan tree she used to frequent was chopped down in the name of “progress”. There have been a few Elvis sightings as well. Hopefully, I’ll get some good shots of him soon!!
Green Herons
Green Herons are among the favorites of all my “loyal subjects”!! They are SO colorful and beautiful!! Unlike their Great Blue cousins, they are quite small – about the size of a Crow. Within this group of shots is THE BEST photo I’ve ever taken of a “Greenie”. You should be able to tell which one. Thanks to the good folks at FractureMe, a beautiful copy of it adorns my photo wall!!
Great Blue Herons and Great Egrets
Other Herons and Egrets
Furry Critters
It’s not quite deer season (for photographers, either!!), but I have seen a few here and there, and gotten a few decent shots. I should certainly be able to get more when the weather cools, and during rut season.
Meanwhile, I stumbled across a hungry coyote on the edge of a cornfield, recently. Ironically, I was looking for deer!! I guess we both were. A cute little bunny rabbit made a guest appearance later that same day (nowhere near the coyote!).
And, I saw “Bear”, the Fox Squirrel, in his usual hangout. He seems to have an endless supply of walnuts!!
Ducks and Wood Storks
The Wood Storks seem to come around more when the ponds or swamps are drying up. They have very large wingspans, and long bills, but they aren’t exactly the most beautiful creatures around!!
Meanwhile, I’m seeing more and more ducks. That trend should continue into the Fall and Winter. The Four Amigos hang out year ’round. They are inseparable!!
Last, But Not Least ...

More from Madelyn!!
In the photo above, Madelyn is holding an Albino Squirrel, rescued from a nearby area, that she is rehabilitating now.
Below are some shots Madelyn took of a beautiful Cardinal, and a Great Blue Heron flying over to snag a meal!! The last shot is of the resident Otter at Dauset Trails. The visitors love calling him “Ollie”, but he doesn’t officially have a name. Perhaps there should be a contest!! He will be featured in a future post. We are looking forward to seeing more of her critters and more of her wildlife photos in the future!!
Please check out her profile toward the bottom of the Home Page!
Wonderful shots from you,… and Madelyn! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much, Cynthia!! Your kindness is very much appreciated, and encouraging!!
Simply awesome..!!!
Thank you, Bobby!! It’s my passion!! I love sharing God’s splendor and beauty with my friends!!
Hi Danny, Gorgeous pictures. We’ve got red tailed hawks here in IL, never seen the red shouldered. Magnificent creatures. Wish they didn’t “love” my turtle doves so much, but as my uncle says, “survival of the fittest.”
Thanks for the wonderful up close views of our beautiful Mother Nature.❤️
Thank you, Nece!! I always appreciate your kind words!! I hate seeing animals attack, kill and devour other animals, but it is definitely Nature at work, and “survival of the fittest”!! ❤
As always, beautiful photos! And I like the white squirrel!
Thank you so much, BonBon!! I like the white squirrel, too!! Hope you’re doing well!!
Beautiful photos Danny! Good to know you are still out there with your camera.
Thank you so much, Mary!! It’s my addiction and my release!! I enjoy getting out and taking photos so much … and I enjoy sharing them with friends like you even more!! Great hearing from you!!
I was getting worried, no posts since we left Georgia! LoL. Glad to see your latest wonderful pictures of God’s beautiful creatures. We have bird feeders in our yard here in Louisiana, we have a pair of HummingBirds (Fred and Ginger), Blue Jays, Carolina Chickadees, Cardinals, Orioles, Robins, a lazy Dove who eats what is dumped down on the ground to him, a pair of squirrels (Theodore & Simone) who dump the feeders out, deer and a bunny to entertain us, but nothing like your pictures!
I’ve been in mourning ever since y’all left, Kevin!! 😎 I’m glad y’all are getting settled in, and that you have so much wildlife around you. I love the names!! Hopefully, Alvin will show up soon, too!!
Tell Sarah hey, and tell Henry and Wally that Bella misses them!! She sits at the window looking for them every day!!