Playing Catch-Up - January 2023
I have gotten so far behind with my “Recent Posts”, that the photos are not recent at all!! What I’ve decided to do is show highlights from my ventures one month at a time, starting with January of this year. I hope to do one month each week, until I get caught up. I hope everyone will forgive me, and I hope you will enjoy these photos. Please leave any comments below. I love hearing from everyone! You can also e-mail me at . Either way, I look forward to hearing from you!
The main reason I started this web page is to showcase a part of God’s Splendor and Glory, through the lens of my camera. It is a genuine thrill to get out in the midst of it all, seeing the magnificent Creatures of His Domain, and the beautiful surroundings. I wish everyone would get out more regularly, and witness it for yourselves.
I want to welcome all newcomers to this site!! I hope you will enjoy these photos, share the posts with your family and friends across all social media, and take your children and grandchildren out to see God’s Splendor and Beauty yourselves!! You’ll be SO glad you did!!
Thank you, and God bless you all!!
Priscilla the Red-Tailed Hawk
I don’t have to go very far at all to find Priscilla, the beautiful Red-Tailed Hawk. She hangs out about two miles from my house. I usually see her in the late afternoons, but sometimes I see her and Elvis in the mornings or mid-day. Elvis is much more skittish, as are most male animals. I think they have gained that instinctively, knowing that hunters are more likely to kill them for their trophies.
In these shots, I followed her from her evening perch to a nearby Oak Tree, where she kept a sharp lookout over a field. Soon after, she flew down to the ground, showing off her beautiful red tail, and caught a mouse, before flying away for dinner.
Love me some Priscilla!!
Beautiful Bald Eagle
This beautiful American Bald Eagle had just finished munching on a fish when I got the first two shots. It flew away shortly afterward. Although I didn’t get any good shots of it flying away, it did circle over me once, just so I could get a photo of it soaring so majestically!!
I hope to see it again as Autumn approaches.
Northern Harrier
While I was stalking the migrating Sandhill Cranes in January and early February, this beautiful male Northern Harrier (Hawk) flew right past me, right as the Sun was setting. The males are a beautiful grey color, while the females are more brown. The females also resemble an Owl, somewhat, due to the markings around their eyes. I hope to get a decent shot of a female soon.
The Big Buck
Just as I was ready to call it a day, after stalking the migrating Sandhill Cranes and having the Northern Harrier fly by, I saw this magnificent Buck standing in a corn field. The Sun had actually gone down already, but there was just enough light remaining for me to get this photo. He bolted about three seconds after this shot. I am so thankful to God for allowing me the opportunity to photograph this magnificent Creature and share it with my friends!!
Sandhill Cranes
The beautiful Sandhill Cranes migrate by the thousands through our area in the central part of Georgia every January or February. They usually hang around for about a week, but this year they stayed for about five weeks! I will be putting up more photos and a video or two when I post the February shots, along with ones taken by my dear friend Madelyn. The Sandhills are such beautiful Creatures, and thrilling to observe. They are also quite noisy!
Bonus Video!!
I have been experimenting with drone videos of the wildlife that I love to follow, with mixed results. Here is one of the Sandhill Cranes that I took in January. I was standing several hundred yards away, so they wouldn’t see me and fly away. Sometimes the drone itself scares them away. That’s not my intent at all. The video ends rather abruptly, because the drone battery was below 10%, so it automatically returned “home” to me. I’ve learned to start out with a fully-charged battery each time, from now on. I hope you’ll enjoy it. More to come!!
A Sad Farewell
Romeo and Juliette have been among my favorite subjects over the past few years. They always hung out in an area not too far from my office. Quite often, I would see them on my way to work, or on my way home. They would often perch on the crosses atop the steeples of a couple of old, abandoned churches in the area, which made for interesting and intriguing photos.
Unfortunately, on a cold, rainy Winter morning, I saw one of them dead in the road, while I was driving to work. It turned out to be Romeo. Quite often, Birds of Prey will swoop down to a road to catch an animal, and get hit by a moving vehicle. It’s a tremendously sad sight to see.
I didn’t see Juliette for several weeks, but finally saw her one morning on one of the steeples. I may be humanizing the story a little bit, but she looked sad and lonely. I started seeing her more and more, then saw a couple of other Red-Shouldered Hawks nearby occasionally as well. I was happy that she might have new suitors! Well, it turns out that they are (most likely) her offspring! They are definitely juveniles, born this year, and … they hang out in the exact same places as Juliette! That would explain my not seeing her for awhile, as well. She was tending to her babies!
Here are a few photos of Romeo and Juliette, then a few more recent ones of her and of the offspring. The offspring have grey feathers on top of their heads in these shots. The shots of only one bird on the steeple are of one of the offspring. The shot of two on a pole are also them.
It’s a sad tale, but at least Romeo leaves a legacy behind him, and children to carry on the tradition of setting atop the steeples!
Last, But Not Least ...

More from Madelyn!!
Madelyn recently took a trip to Alaska, again without inviting me, but her photos were too great not to post!! For the record, anytime a friend of mine goes on a trip, I tell them to send me a postcard. Madelyn actually did!! That’s how sweet and thoughtful she is!!
She saw several species of animals, and also took some wonderful scenic photos!! I am delighted to see and share her photos of God’s Creatures thriving in their natural habitat.
Please check out Madelyn’s profile toward the bottom of the Home Page, and visit the Dauset Trails website!!
Welcome back, missed you, Love to see all the Eagle photos!
Thank you, Kevin! It’s mostly because of work. I’ve still been able to get out and get a few good shots, but haven’t really had enough time to get things together for a post. I spent six hours this morning preparing this one. Hopefully, I can get back on track now!!
Been missing you, too. I hope you and Sarah and your family and puppy dogs are all doing well!!
Such beautiful pictures!!!
You are so sweet!! Thank you, Robin!! It’s my passion, you know .. Well, at least one of my passions!!😎
Fantastic!! Thanks for sharing these. They are all amazing!
Thank you, Melissa!! You are so kind!! I still want to get back down to the Circle B sometime soon. I’ll be sure to let you know when I do. Stay tuned!! More to come!!
Oh so glad to look at yours and Madelyn’s pictures. Thank you so much for sharing your amazing photos.. I know this is not right but I’d much rather go out in nature to witness God’s gift to us than go to church.. Been looking for your vehicle every time I go to Mounds which is almost everyday. Not much going on there these last few months, except I saw some adorable wild piglets several months ago, I am sure they are no longer so cute now!!!
Thank you so much, Yvette!! You are always so kind!! I have swung by The Mounds a few times lately, but haven’t gotten to spend much time there because of work. I heard about the piglets. I would love to have seen them!! Hope to see you soon!!
As always, it’s wonderful to see your photos while getting the backstory in your your unique voice. Thank you for sharing!! ❤️
As always, you are so sweet!! I’m glad you like my “unique” voice. I assure you, around here it’s not so unique!😎 Thank you so much for your kind words, Tammy!!❤️
top-rate! I want to be the first to buy the Red Sandhill Crane calendar.
Tell you what I’ll do … I’ll make a shared folder with a bunch of the Sandhill Crane photos; You pick the ones out you’d like to use and get the calendars made; Sell them and keep the profits. Is that a good deal or what??😎
Thank you for your kind words, as always!!
Beautiful pictures! Thank you for sharing!!
Thank you, Sweet Faye!! You are always so kind!!
Thanks Danny…enjoyed the photos from your year of adventures with such beauties!
Thank you, Mary!! Please stay tuned. There are many more to come!!
The photos are stunning….Thanks for sharing!
Thank you, Kathi! You are too sweet. It was great seeing you yesterday! You can always say hey by emailing me at Stay tuned for more posts. It’s my little getaway!!😎