Pileated Woodpeckers 06-03-2021

Pileated Woodpeckers 06-03-2021 I was at a convention on Jekyll Island. My daughter and her family happened to be vacationing there, so we spent an afternoon at the beautiful Driftwood Beach. I heard, then saw, these two beautiful Pileated Woodpeckers.…

Feeding Time! 06-01-2021

Pebbles, Bam Bam, Tom, and Jeri 06-01-2021 Bam Bam flew in with a decent sized catfish right as I was setting up. He dropped it off and flew away to get another. It turns out that Pebbles only feeds one…

Pebbles, Tom, and Jeri 05-28-2021

Pebbles, Tom, and Jeri 05-28-2021 Swung by quickly to visit the family. Didn’t see Bam Bam. Got in a few decent shots. The babies are fun to watch!! Back to “Recents” Back to “Home”

Pebbles, Tom and Jeri 05-27-2021

Pebbles, Tom and Jeri 05-27-2021 Stopped by for a quick visit with Pebbles and Bam Bam and Tom and Jeri. I missed every shot of Bam Bam flying in with a fish, and only got a few decent ones of…

Pebbles, Bam Bam, and the Babies

Pebbles, Bam Bam, and the Babies 05-21-2021 Swung by the swamp to visit “my” swamplings, then headed to Lake Oconee to visit the Ospreys. I saw Lucy hanging out in a tree near her nest, then visited Pebbles, Tom, and…

And Then There Were Two!!

Pebbles and the Babies 05-20-2021 Well, it turns out there are TWO babies, one male (Tom) and one female (Jeri). Tom’s head is a little rounder, and he is a little smaller than his sister. I never saw Bam Bam,…

Mississippi Kite

Mississippi Kite 05-13-2021 Saw the beautiful Mississippi Kite diving down, catching locusts, and eating them. Some shots are better than others. Back to “Recents” Back to “Home”

Pebbles and Bam Bam

Pebbles and Bam Bam 05-01-2021 Had a nice visit with my two friends today.  Pebbles flew up onto her perch to keep a better eye on me.  Once she decided that I was still her friend, she flew back to…