Happy Thanksgiving!!
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!! Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days (and favorite times) of the year. America’s celebration of Thanksgiving is quite unique. It has been set aside as an official Holiday (Holy Day), specifically to give thanks and praises to God for the many blessings He has bestowed upon us as a Nation and a people. Our Nation is the greatest and most prosperous in the history of The World, and that is entirely due to God’s Mercy, Grace, and Providence!!
The main reason I started this web page is to showcase a part of God’s Splendor and Glory, through the lens of my camera. It is a genuine thrill to get out in the midst of it all, seeing the magnificent Creatures of His Domain, and the beautiful surroundings. I wish everyone would get out more regularly, and witness it for yourselves.
As the cooler weather sets in, some animals go into hiding, while others come out. It’s fun “timing” which animals I may see, and when.
I want to welcome all newcomers to this site!! I hope you will enjoy these photos, share the posts with your family and friends across all social media, and take your children and grandchildren out to see God’s Splendor and Beauty yourselves!! You’ll be SO glad you did!!
Thank you, and God bless you all, and God bless America!!
(The not so) Smelly Surprise
About a week ago, I had my first encounter with a skunk in the wild. Leave it to me to find a Striped Skunk, without any stripes!! It’s not unheard of, but it is pretty rare. I slowly chased it across a field, where it was furrowing through the grass, looking for bugs or worms or other delectables. I am very happy that it didn’t chase me back!! Now that I know where it hangs out, I hope to see it again and get more shots.
Not to be outdone, I also encountered an Armadillo in a different field, in a different county. It, too, was furrowing through the field, uprooting the sod, in search of a hearty meal.
The Otter and the Catfish
I ran into Ollie the Otter the other day (they all seem to be named Ollie!!). I didn’t get to stay long, and the Sun wasn’t exactly in a favorable position, and he spotted me pretty early on, so these aren’t the best shots in the world, but … I wanted to share them to show you the huge Catfish he had caught. It was half as big as he is!!
He really had trouble holding it in place to eat, because it was so big. He tried two different logs, a marshy area, and even out in the water, but he couldn’t manage to make a meal of it. Finally, after a long while, Ollie swam away, fish in his mouth, to a more secluded area, where he did indeed devour his prize catch!
Woodpecker Season!!
I have found myself becoming more and more obsessed with woodpeckers!! Not only are they beautiful, they are quite intriguing!!
There was one in particular that caught my eye and my curiosity. Not sure if all of you know, but Red-Headed Woodpeckers have brown heads their first year of life. The first few shots here are indeed a juvenile Red-Head, on a bright sunny day. The next sequence occurred on a more overcast day, so the photos aren’t as crisp, but what the Woodpecker was doing was captivating!! It took me awhile to figure out. It would fly from a Hickory Tree with its leaves already fallen, to a nearby Oak Tree, where it would snatch an acorn, and return to the Hickory Tree. There, it would peck on the acorn with its strong beak. I assumed it was eating the acorns, but it kept repeating the process over and over and over. Finally, I realized it was driving them into small crevices and pockets in the Hickory Tree, storing them for a later date. It made sense, somewhat, because Woodpeckers don’t forage on the ground like Brown Thrashers, Robins, and many other birds. This bird was gathering the nuts before they fell to the ground! I did some reading about it. It’s not too unusual. There is even a variety of Woodpecker out west called an Acorn Woodpecker. It fascinated me!!
P.S. You can see tufts of red peaking through the brown feathers on its head. Next year, of course, its head will be the familiar, beautiful bright red!!
Meanwhile, a few Red-Bellies, Northern Flickers, and Yellow-Bellied Sapsuckers made cameo appearances. Many more to come, I hope!!
Hawk Season!!
Hawk “Season” is indeed upon us!! They are easier to spot in the Fall and Winter, mainly because the leaves have fallen from the trees, making them easier to spot. Works for me!!
Among these photos are several of “Romeo and Juliette”, two beautiful Red-Shouldered Hawks, who hang out near my office. They love watching the sunrise (they all do!), often while perched above the steeples of a couple of old churches. We all need to hang out at church!!
There are also a few shots of “Priscilla”, the beautiful Red-Tailed Hawk, who hangs out not too far from my house. I have seen “Elvis” a few times as well, but haven’t gotten any good shots of him … yet!!
Many more to come. The season is young!!
Deer Season!!
For many of the same reasons, the colder weather is also “Deer Season”, from a photographer’s or Nature lover’s standpoint. Here are several random shots of deer that I have seen over the past few weeks. I have seen a few nice bucks, but haven’t been able to get decent shots … yet. Stay tuned!!
Many more to come. The season is young!!
The Best of the Rest
I have encountered a few Wood Storks, a few White Ibises, Great Egrets, Greater Yellowlegs, American Bitterns, and … MOLLY!!! Molly has already moved into the woods, where she will bury herself in the mud to stay warm for the Winter, while her eggs gestate. When the weather warms, she will build her nest, lay her eggs, and guard them with every fiber of her being. It is a remarkable process to observe!!
Last, But Not Least ...

More from Madelyn!!
Madelyn recently took a trip to the Okefenokee Swamp, without inviting me, but her photos were too great not to post!!
She saw several species of animals, and also took some wonderful scenic photos!! The Okefenokee is one of the most spectacular places in the world to see God’s Creatures thriving in their natural habitat.
Her next post will be quite heartwarming, too!! I’m already excited about it!!
Please check out Madelyn’s profile toward the bottom of the Home Page, and visit the Dauset Trails website!!
I love to see the white Ibises. Once a year a flock will stop by in my pasture. They will be there all day and then gone the next. Love you cous!
I love them too, Bonnie!! They have beautiful blue eyes!! They are migrating through here as well. I always see a few different ones passing through, every now and then. Love you, too!! ❤️
You have an amazing life, Danny! So much nature! OK I have to admit I love skunks & follow a YouTube channel where they’re fed nightly & tho some ARE marked different, the skunk you spotted is truly the most unusual-looking one I’ve seen—did a double take bc initially I wasn’t even sure it WAS a skunk! All your photos are wonderful to behold & are SUPERB, truly superb!!
You are too sweet, Karin!! That’s funny that you love skunks like you do. I actually questioned whether it was a skunk or not, myself!! Upon final review, I determined that it was. Now that I know where it hangs out, I hope to see it and any of its friends soon. Thank you so much for your kind words!! You always say the nicest things!!😎