Sandhill Cranes

One of my favorite sights to see is the annual migration of the Sandhill Cranes from The Caribbean and  Florida to Canada and Alaska. They pass through our area in late January and early February each year. The numbers are tremendous! There are hundreds of flocks, each with dozens, or even hundreds, of birds.


They are large, magnificent creatures, and are amazing to watch. Around here, their favorite hangouts are peanut fields that were harvested just a few weeks earlier. There are still plenty of residuals for them to snack on.


I am very grateful to many of the local farmers for allowing me to respectfully and considerately trek through their fields to be able to capture some decent photos. The farmers are out there right now, burning off the fields (which is why the sky appears grey in some shots) and plowing, tilling, and planting their next crops. They are indeed America’s backbone, and we certainly owe them a debt of gratitude!


I hope y’all enjoy viewing these photos as much as I enjoy taking them and sharing them. Please always feel free to share the links with your family and friends across the social media.


Thank you!!

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3 years ago

That lens you won in the raffle takes amazing pictures

Tamara Cerilli
Tamara Cerilli
3 years ago

Stunning photos!!! Thanks, too, for the fascinating explanation and back story! ❤️

Doc Kevin Lee Elder
Doc Kevin Lee Elder
3 years ago

I love the pictures when they are hovering down for a landing, so majestic!

Barbara Barber
3 years ago

These are great shots, Danny! Gorgeous. Yes, so generous of the farmers to let you walk the fields 🙂
Did you know, crazy as it sounds, some think the sightings of the Jersey Devil were just mistaken sightings of Sandhill cranes! 🤣

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